S U M M E R  2 0 2 4

A Word from Don; Protected and Connected; Client Reflections; Welcome Gracie Self; Save the date for the 12th annual Tapas & Tunes for Trinity Benefit and more!


W I N T E R  2 0 2 3

A Word from Don; Message from the Board; Welcome Todd Gothard; Pictures from the 11th Annual Autumn Benefit; Client Reflections; Memorials and Points to Ponder


S U M M E R  2 0 2 3

A Word from Don; What Is a Life Coach? by Paulette Rowe; Through the Eyes of a Child; A Message from the Board; Annual Benefit Review; Client Reflections; Memorials and Honorariums; Save the Date–Tapas and Tunes


W I N T E R  2 0 2 2

A Word from Don; "A Helping Hand" by Cori Ray; A Message from the Board; Report from the 10th annual Tacos for Trinity; Points to Ponder; Memorials and Honorariums; Client Reflections


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